

作者:冯丽妃 来源:中国科学报 发布时间:2023/11/15 10:27:55


“习近平主席在今年10月举办的第三届‘一带一路’国际合作高峰论坛上承诺,将继续实施‘一带一路’科技创新行动计划。这个计划非常重要,它抓住了科技这个对经济、社会各个领域的发展都有着重要影响的关键元素,可以说是抓住了社会发展的‘神经中枢’。”近日,南方科技促进可持续发展委员会(comsats)执行主任穆罕默德·纳菲斯·扎卡里亚(mohammad nafees zalaria)在接受《中国科学报》专访时说。














扎卡里亚:comsats是由巴基斯坦科学家、诺贝尔物理学奖获得者阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆(abdus salam)教授构思设立的。建立comsats的首要目标是通过南南合作弥合发展中国家和发达国家之间在知识、科学和技术方面的差距。









scientific and technological innovation is the "nerve center" of sociology-economic development

“at the third belt and road forum for international cooperation held in october this year, president xi jinping pledged to continue to implement the belt and road science and technology innovation action plan. this is very important because it captures the key element of science and technology, which has an important impact on the development of all sectors of the economy and society. it can be said that it captures the 'nerve center' of socio-economic development." recently, dr. mohammad nafees zakaria, executive director of the commission on science and technology for sustainable development in the south (comsats) and patron-in-chief of the belt and road initiative for sustainable development - brisd, said in an interview with china science daily. 

this year marks the 10th year of the "belt and road" initiative and the china-pakistan economic corridor (cpec), zakaria conceptualized and patronizes as its chief patron the "belt and road initiative for sustainable development (brisd), a global think tank being established in pakistan, by which he hopes to strategically add momentum to the sustainable development aspect of the "belt and road" initiative widely.

china science daily: what’s your feelings about this trip to china?

zakaria: this is my first visit to china. i have attended the first belt and road science and technology exchange (brst) conference in chongqing, the international forum on innovation and development of bio-manufacturing industry in tianjin by tib, and now i am here at the comsats center of excellence international centre for climate & environmental sciences (icces-china) under chinese academy of sciences in beijing. it was a very enlightening experience, and china's progress in leaps and bounds in science and technology was amazing. you can see that science and technology have been deeply ingress into people's lives. whenever you look around, you will find yourself surrounded by the elements of science and technology.

china science daily: you sponsored and created the belt and road initiative sustainable development (brisd) a global think tank in pakistan. what is the thinking behind this?

zakaria: when i participated in the high-level belt and road ministerial meeting, i had an in-depth discussion with the chinese vice minister of science and technology. what struck me was that he said that china wants to cooperate more and more with developing countries, generously share its expertise, and cultivate a shared future with partner countries.  i had already carried out research on bri from the perspective of cpec and conceptualized the belt and road initiative for sustainable development - brisd to create awareness of the relevance and benefits of this initiative of china’s intercontinental connectivity project. on this trip to china, i got strengthened. over the past decade, more than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have participated in the belt and road cooperation.

the member countries of cosmats are all developing countries, and they all hope to solve the challenges they face through scientific and technological development, and the belt and road initiative provides opportunities for cooperation. for instance, the belt and road initiative (bri) has generated hundreds of thousands of jobs globally, contributing to the upliftment of over 100 million people from poverty. likewise, the china-pakistan economic corridor (cpec), the flagship project of the belt and road initiative, has created jobs for thousands of people in pakistan. the cooperation between china and pakistan in the energy sector has allowed pakistan to add more than 10,000 megawatts of electricity, solving the problem of electricity shortage a great deal.

similarly, through the belt and road initiative, china is building cooperation with countries in asia, africa, europe, and latin america to carry out scientific and technological innovation activities, develop infrastructure, and invest in different sectors. these partnerships have created millions of jobs and lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty to a higher standard of living, a great undertaking and a great success.

this kind of sharing and caring sentiment of the belt and road initiative was manifested in the aftermath of the covid-19 pandemic. china has distributed billions of masks and more than 2 billion doses of vaccines to other countries, which is unprecedented international assistance on this scale. this year marks the 10th year of the belt and road initiative. i hope that through comsats’ platform, in particular, and brisd, we can strategically promote the sustainable development aspect of the belt and road initiative.

china science daily: as a witness to the development of the cpec, what is your outlook on the development of this economic corridor?

zakaria: the cpec besides having its projects in the energy sector, its infrastructure development element is significant. in addition to developing gwadar port, railway network, etc. it has three corridors of around 2200 kilometers long each. can you imagine how many opportunities are there? these corridors will not be empty, they will be filled with all kinds of economic and social productive activities. for example, there will be hundreds of thousands of trucks on the road, carrying goods from one point to another.

it is also a very economical corridor, through which the cost of transporting foreign materials to china will be greatly reduced. this means huge opportunities for china and pakistan, especially for pakistan. in the future, hospitals, universities, housing, road networks, smart cities, and more will be built along these routes. imagine how much opportunity that means financially!

china science daily: as the executive director of comsats, how do you see its role in promoting scientific and technological cooperation among developing countries?

zakaria: comsats was conceived by professor abdus salam, a pakistani scientist and nobel laureate in physics. the overarching objective of the establishment of comsats was to bridge the gap in knowledge, science, and technology between developing and developed countries, through south-south cooperation.

comsats is now 29 years old and has 27 member countries, with china and 17 other countries among the founding members of the organization. we also have 25 international centres of excellence in science and technology through which we hope to address the challenges faced by our member states. the way to the future and progress is that all member states should share their expertise among this comity of nations of the developing countries and promote each other’s products.

one of the things i've been pushing for since i assumed charge as executive director a year ago is to do some evaluation after each capacity building and sharing of expertise activity to see how and how much it contributed to the beneficiaries of such activities. we've run many workshops and training programs, and i'm looking forward to receiving some feedback so we can improve it. we also hope that the research and development activities of the comsats center of excellence are in line with the needs of the industry, and if a product can solve the challenges of the industry and become part of sustainable development, it will be commercialized and bring benefits to all stakeholders.

china science daily:how do you see comsats 'role in promoting belt and road cooperation?

zakaria: comsats 'cooperation is limited to science and technology, but when it comes to multiculturalism and international politics, things are different. at present, our region is facing very daunting challenges. this region has a history of rivalries as part of great games for centuries and still holds the potential for such a rivalry. countries in the asia-pacific region have geopolitical and territorial differences, however, we can’t afford confrontation. confrontation will cause damage, cooperation will bring prosperity and avoid damage. the countries in this region need to understand the risks in case of discord.

the best part of the belt and road initiative is that there are many projects, especially exchanges of scientists or technical experts among developing countries. if you look at the statistics, whether it's china, pakistan, sri lanka, nigeria, or other countries, the younger generation dominates these regions’ populations. the energy of young people needs direction and galvanizing towards constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation. these projects will create a great energy to promote sustainable cooperation and development.

china science daily: there is an old saying in china: "while one chopstick can be broken easily, ten chopsticks firmly held together cannot be." how do you see the significance of this statement in advancing south-south cooperation and, more broadly, global cooperation?

zakaria: for international cooperation, this means that it should be easier to achieve a goal with the power of a group than with the power of an individual country. when ten brains get together to do a particular thing, it's easier to get something done.

i'm confident that member states that have excelled in different areas can benefit from each other through cooperation and sharing to achieve common goals or address common challenges, such as global climate change, floods, forest fires, droughts, locust and other disasters, etc.

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