jcr 2区,if 4.5!聚焦微生物学优质期刊——microorganisms |
(issn: 2076-2607)创刊于2013年,期刊主题涵盖微生物学的各个研究领域,主要发表环境、植物、食品、肠道、医药、技术等微生物相关领域的学术文章。现已被 scie (web of science)、pubmed (nlm)、scopus 等重要数据库收录。
2022 impact factor:4.5
2022 citescore:6.4
5-year impact factor:4.8
time to first decision:14.5 days
acceptance to publication:2.7 days
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编委简介 (部分)
德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心 nico jehmlich博士
中国科学院微生物研究所&山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室 刘双江教授
兰卡斯特大学 roger pickup 教授
特拉维夫大学 eliora ron教授
期刊中国编委 (部分)
哈尔滨工业大学 曹广丽 副教授
中国农业大学 陈晶瑜 副教授
中国科学院微生物研究所 郭良栋教授
上海交通大学 李志勇教授
中山大学 李文均教授
南京工业大学 纪晓俊教授
南京农业大学 蒋建东教授
中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所 王钰教授
1. towards advances in medicinal plant antimicrobial activity: a review study on challenges and future perspectives
natalia vaou et al.
原文出自 期刊
vaou, n.; stavropoulou, e.; voidarou, c.; tsigalou, c.; bezirtzoglou, e. towards advances in medicinal plant antimicrobial activity: a review study on challenges and future perspectives. microorganisms 2021, 9, 2041.
2. spread of carbapenem-resistant gram-negatives and candida auris during covid-19 pandemic in critically ill patients: one step back in antimicrobial stewardship?
covid-19 大流行期间,耐碳青霉烯类革兰氏阴性菌和耳念珠菌在危重患者中传播,这是抗菌药物管理的退步吗?
laura magnasco et al.
原文出自 期刊
magnasco, l.; mikulska, m.; giacobbe, d.r.; taramasso, l.; vena, a.; dentone, c.; dettori, s.; tutino, s.; labate, l.; di pilato, v.; et al. spread of carbapenem-resistant gram-negatives and candida auris during the covid-19 pandemic in critically ill patients: one step back in antimicrobial stewardship? microorganisms 2021, 9, 95.
3. the role of enterobacteriaceae in gut microbiota dysbiosis in inflammatory bowel diseases
valerio baldelli et al.
原文出自 期刊
baldelli, v.; scaldaferri, f.; putignani, l.; del chierico, f. the role of enterobacteriaceae in gut microbiota dysbiosis in inflammatory bowel diseases. microorganisms 2021, 9, 697.
4. biofertilizers and biocontrol agents for agriculture: how to identify and develop new potent microbial strains and traits
anna maria pirttila et al.
原文出自 期刊
pirttilä, a.m.; mohammad parast tabas, h.; baruah, n.; koskimäki, j.j. biofertilizers and biocontrol agents for agriculture: how to identify and develop new potent microbial strains and traits. microorganisms 2021, 9, 817.
5. paraprobiotics in non-surgical periodontal therapy: clinical and microbiological aspects in a 6-month follow-up domiciliary protocol for oral hygiene
andrea butera et al.
原文出自 期刊
butera, a.; gallo, s.; pascadopoli, m.; maiorani, c.; milone, a.; alovisi, m.; scribante, a. paraprobiotics in non-surgical periodontal therapy: clinical and microbiological aspects in a 6-month follow-up domiciliary protocol for oral hygiene. microorganisms 2022, 10, 337.
为了进一步加深学术交流,引发广泛的学术讨论,促进学术和社会的进步, 为您推荐部分与中国学者合作的特刊,欢迎投稿。
1. endophytes for managing biotic and abiotic stress in plants 2.0
用于管理植物生物和非生物胁迫的内生菌 第二卷
edited by egamberdieva dilfuza and wen-jun li
submission deadline: 31 december 2023
2. recent advances on microbial interactions with materials and their applications
edited by fang guan, hongwei liu and ruiyong zhang
submission deadline: 31 december 2023
3. effects of gut microbiota on human health and disease
edited by yunhuan liu
submission deadline: 30 april 2024
4. state-of-the-art environmental microbiology in china (2023, 2024)
中国环境微生物学研究进展(2023, 2024)
edited by zhiyong li
submission deadline: 30 june 2024
如您有任何疑问,请随时联系 期刊编辑部 (microorganisms@mdpi.com或jennifer.shi@mdpi.com)。